2048 invaders logo

2048 Invaders is a math-themed space shooter. The goal is to reach 2048 by hitting matching powers of 2. Hit two 2s in a row, and they will become 4. Hit two 4s, they will become 8. And so on. I’m not sure if it’s possible to beat this game, as I haven’t managed to make it past 256.

I was inspired to enter the Github Game Off for the first time this year, when the theme was announced: Scale. This immediately made me think of a practice, unfinished game I made in Phaser.js in 2021, so I dusted it off and finished it for the jam. I don’t know if “games you started making two years ago but only got as far as making the sprites move” count as entries to the jam, but I wasn’t going to win anyway–there are some insanely talented people participating. So this was mostly to see if I could do it, and dust off my Javascript class patterns.

The game is available to play for free in-browser at Itch, but it’s more performant if you pull the repo and play locally. I’m going to experiment with packaging it as an Electron app at some point to see if that improves the feel of the controls. But it’s…. fun? Or at least I think so.