Hidden Export Options in Google Slides
To publish my slides for Reinforcement Learning for the Math-Phobic I had to do a lot of manual work. I cropped screenshots of the slides (and replaced some text-heavy slides with just text). I turned my speaker notes into complete sentences and interspersed them between the slides. (I was heavily inspired by how Tanya Reilly presents her slides.)
So imagine my surprise when I discovered there’s a hidden feature in Google Slides that can do (some of) this for me!
The menu in Google Slides allows you to choose File->Download->and a variety of formats, including PPTX, PDF, and plain text.
However, if you go to the address bar, there’s one more option.
A GSlides URL looks like this:{presentation_id}/edit#slide=id.{slide_id}
If you turn that URL into:{presentation_id}/export/html
then you get an HTML document that contains the slides and speaker notes on one page.
It’s not perfect. The slides are output as HTML instead of images, which as you would expect, does not work well for complicated layouts, some special characters are missing, and slide animations of course are totally gone. But as a starting point, it’s very helpful.
Makes me wonder what other undisclosed options are out there. This Stackexchange post describes a number of hidden commands for Google Docs. Presumably there are a few more for Slides.
And yes, I did try
, with no luck. :) -
Training a Reinforcement Learning Algo for the Math-Phobic
Below is a copy* of a talk I did at work about the Gymnasium side project. I didn’t talk about Queens at all, because I realized I only had 10 minutes, and teaching people how to play Queens and then explaining how I made a bot do it would take at least twice as long and isn’t relevant. (Also, as I’ll be posting about later, the queensbot is totally borked.) If you read my previous post on queensbot, you’ll see many of the same ideas here, but I think I did a good job of generalizing the content for a different audience, and so you may find this interesting as well.
I enjoyed giving this talk, although I was tweaking the slides up until the last minute, and next time I’ll try to manage my time a bit better/start earlier. That’s the pitfall of having a big event fairly quickly after winter break, and diving straight back into some pretty high-priority coding at the same time.
* It’s not an exact copy. I took out all references to proprietary information, for one, but also I’m working off my speaker notes, not the transcript. Also, I’ve had a few days to digest and have realized there are other, better ways I could have phrased things, so I’ve allowed myself to tweak here and there.
Training an RL algo for the math-phobic
Today I’ll be talking about how I trained a reinforcement learning as a math-phobic person. I used to be quite good at math but now I believe that I should let the computer do the math for me, and if you’re like me, you might also be intimidated by most forms of machine learning. I’m going to try to convince you to give RL a try, because unlike more complicated forms of ML, you can do it right on your laptop, and I found it to be a very good exercise.
But first, this is not what we’re going to be doing today.
Every time I Google “math behind AI” I get images that look like this, and this just makes me want to never play around with anything. But I swear this is doable, and it can be fun.
Why would I want to do this? For me, I want to be able to speak with some minimal amount of authority on machine learning, so that when my grandma says, “I heard AI is going to take over the universe and break down our component atoms into paperclips,” I can say, “Don’t worry, Grandma, there’s only a 4.5% chance of that happening.”
If you work on an ML team, or did ML in school, this stuff may be self-evident, but for me, there’s a vast gulf between knowing instinctively that “AI is just math” and actually seeing it in action. So I wanted to know more about how we make computers ‘think’, big emphasis on the air quotes, and the best way to do that is to try to do it yourself.
See Me at Girl Geek in March!
Look who that is, right there in the bottom row, third from the right! Oh yes, it’s me!
Goodness gracious, I am thrilled to be speaking at Girl Geek X Elevate this spring. I’ll be giving a 25-minute version of a lightning talk I did based on this blog post. The conference is free and online so do sign up!
My Github Skyline for 2024
This is always a bit of silly fun, but I missed it last year. This year, the Github team put together a CLI tool that somewhat replicates the old STL generator. I used to print mine out, but I think I like the ASCII art better. :)
This was created in late 2024, but I don’t think I had too many commits at the end of the year. That big gap early in the year was jury duty (oof).
Works In Progress: Generating a Maze in Python
Last year I was messing around with maze generation. I thought I was going to make another game (more on that later). I didn’t get very far, but I did learn how to use the recursive backtracking algorithm to create a 2D maze. I was thinking about that algorithm again during Advent of Code, as many of the problems turn out to be maze/traversal problems, and, well, I’ve been meaning to write this up anyway. It’s not really a complete project, but I found it interesting, and maybe you will as well?
There are a lot of maze algorithms out there. The recursive backtracking one is one of the easiest, I’m told.
The general gist: Start with a grid of possible spaces. Choose one to start, and “knock down” the wall between it and a random neighbor. Choose another direction at random, and if it has not yet been visited, knock down the wall there. Once all locations at a given square have been visited, backtrack; once the algorithm reaches the starting point the maze is complete.
Implementing it in Python looks like this:
DX={"N":0,"S":0,"E":1,"W":-1} DY={"N":-1,"S":1,"E":0,"W":0} class Maze(): def __init__(self, size, seed="default"): #init the maze self.size = size self.game_map=np.zeros(shape=(self.size,self.size),dtype=object) for y,row in enumerate(self.game_map): for x, square in enumerate(row): self.game_map[y][x] = Room(x, y) #this is not strictly necessary, I wanted my maze Room class to have some other features that I will discuss later start_x = random.randint(0,self.size-1) start_y = random.randint(0,self.size-1) self.make_the_maze(start_x,start_y) def make_the_maze(x,y): current_room=self.get_room(x,y) #returns an instance of the Room class with these xy coordinates current_room.visited=True directions = ["N","S","E","W"] random.shuffle(directions) for direction in directions: new_x = x+DX[direction] new_y = y+DY[direction] if (0<=new_y and new_y<self.size) and (0<=new_x and new_x<self.size) and not self.get_room(new_x,new_y).visited: #recurse self.make_the_maze(new_x,new_y) maze = Maze(3)
This allows us to declare a square maze of length and width
and create a maze where all squares are visited at least once and with one entry and exit. This implementation doesn’t really do anything, though – ideally we would be, oh, counting the number of valid, unique paths from point A to point B, for example. Or rendering it on a screen.What I wanted to do with this maze, though, is turn it into a text adventure. By saving each room’s doors (e.g.
doors: {'N':True,'S':False}
etc…) I can use that to generate an Inky file:#still in the Maze class def render_text(self, start_x, start_y): with open("","w+") as inkfile: inkfile.write("You are about to enter the spooky maze!\n") inkfile.write(f"+[Go in] -> room_{start_x}_{start_y}\n") for room in self.get_all_rooms(): self.write_room(inkfile, room) def write_room(self, inkfile, room): x = room.x y = room.y inkfile.write(f"===room_{x}_{y}===\n") if room.is_finish: inkfile.write("You have found the exit and/or the amazing treasure!->END") else: inkfile.write("You are standing in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.\n") doors = room.get_doors() exits = [direction for direction in doors if doors[direction]] if len(exits)>1: inkfile.write(f"There are exits to the {','.join(exits)}\n") else: inkfile.write(f"There is an exit to the {exits[0]}.\n") for door in exits: new_x = x+DX[door] new_y = y+DY[door] inkfile.write(f"+[Go {door}] -> room_{new_x}_{new_y}\n")
file is used by the Inky editor to create narrative adventures. The Inky editor uses a Markdown-ish syntax to create choose-your-own-adventure style games.I had this idea that I could make a procedurally-generated choose-your-own-adventure (with more interesting narration than the “maze of twisty passages” stuff, of course) and then, using the same seed, create a visual representation of the same maze, that two players would solve together. The
class would be essential for this and would contain things like: does this room contain a locked door, or a key, or a monster, or a landmark? I haven’t gotten around to implementing it yet but you get the general idea.So, it’s pretty bare-bones and doesn’t do anything yet, but to my knowledge (and upheld by a very quick Google–please reach out if I missed you) this is one of the earliest examples of procedurally generated Inky games. I hope to have some time to get back to this eventually, but *waves hands* life has been getting in the way. For now, I’m happy to have had a chance to learn a maze algo.
I am indebted to Jamis Buck’s ‘Buckblog’ post on maze generation; his writeup in Ruby was the only thing that helped me make sense of doing the same in Python. It should be noted that he has an entire book about mazes that I am probably going to be buying shortly.